Well, it's that time again for rover operations in the Virginia QSO Party!
I have a mobile rig this year (Icom 2730A) to use for the contest covering 2m and 70cm. The base is in the rear of the H3 and the head unit is mounted on a gooseneck stick upfront.
Icom 2730A and Nexus 7 tablet (aprsdroid)
You can also see my Android tablet running Aprsdroid, this uses either my Mobilinkd TNC2 Bluetooth TNC and a Yaesu FT-60 or my cell phones hotspot to transmit my location to aprs.fi.
I have my Icom IC-7200 for HF, I have a method to temporarily mount a hamstick off the trailer hitch for use with my antenna tuner if the bands cooperate this year.
My H3 with its temp (stationary) HF Hamstick (10M/6M) [pictured]
I plan to use allot of the same planning and operating tools I used last year (Google Earth, Google Maps) as well as the computer and Android apps I used last year. The voice recorder was worth its weight in gold when you're solo.
Hope to work you!
73, David